Fermenterade grönsaker

Fermenterade grönsaker

  • 10 Recept
Mandelmanns kimchi

Mandelmanns kimchi

Riv, hyvla eller skär grönsakerna, men spara några hela kålblad till täckning överst och underst i kärlet (av plast, glas eller keramik) som du ska syra i
Ginger Beet Sauerkraut

Ginger Beet Sauerkraut

Pull 3 outer leaves off of the head of cabbage and set aside. Shred the remaining cabbage in a food processor or mandolin or chop with a knife
Apple Spice Sauerkraut

Apple Spice Sauerkraut

Pull 3 outer leaves off the head of cabbage and set aside. Shred the remaining cabbage in a food processor, mandolin or chop with a knife
Raw Pickled Ginger Carrots

Raw Pickled Ginger Carrots

Grate the carrots in a food processor or by hand. Add them to a big bowl. Add in the sea salt and grated ginger
Carrot and Radish Sauerkraut

Carrot and Radish Sauerkraut

Pull 3 outer leaves off the head of cabbage and set aside. Shred the remaining cabbage in a food processor or mandolin or chop with a knife