Helen Holmberg
Helen Holmberg
  • Betygsätt receptet!
  • Ditt betyg
Snittbetyg 0 0 röster


  • 150 g färs 8 pp (stämmer itne riktigt eftersom färsen inte var 15 utan 12 men skitsamma)
  • 4 pp ost 2 pp rostad lök 1 pp In English. Tuesday. Lactose and gluten free hamburg in a sourdough bun, with cheese and roasted onion. It’s a lot of trial and error with food at the moment to try figure out what triggers my stomache pains. Torture to be honest. But what to do, I want to learn and avoid it in the future.
  • 150 mince meat 8 pp (it’s a bit on the high but they don’t have 12% in the calculator)
  • 4 pp cheese
  • 2 pp roasted onion
  • 1 pp Dela det här



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