Slow protein and healthy fat recept

Melted chocolate dough

Melted chocolate dough

Nutritious and contains tons of slowprotein from the casein protein - perfect before bed. Eftersom jag inte har tid att hitta på egna recept idag så tänkte jag tipsa er om att det finns massa goa proteinrika recept på Fitnessgurus hemsida
Ho many calories do I need to burn?

Ho many calories do I need to burn?

It should be fun, remember that you wont see result in a day, it’s a long trip so do not give up and do not lower your calorie intake excessively because you think your progress is going too slow, it takes time but you will get results guaranteed
How many calories should I eat?

How many calories should I eat?

It should be fun, remember that you wont see result in a day, it’s a long trip so do not give up and do not lower your calorie intake excessively because you think your progress is going too slow, it takes time but you will get results guaranteed
Slow protein and healthy fat

Slow protein and healthy fat

Meatnut frukost idag. Parmaskinka fylld med avocado och valnötter. Bra byggstenar till kroppen