Very low calorie diet recept

Pulverdieter till barn

Pulverdieter till barn

Pulverdieter är såkallade verylowcaloriediet, som står för väldigt låg kalori diet. Det finns föräldrar som ger sina barn pulverdieter (nutrilett, allevo, naturdiet mm)

Imorgon är det måndag

Imorgon börjar jag med VLCD - verylowcaloriediet. Kommer ni ihåg vad jag skrev om att jag ville ha stöd i mitt beslut, vilket det än blev

Slanka nu kör vi

Slanka är den första VLCD-produkten (verylowcaloriediet) på marknaden som varken har tillsats av aspartam, gluten eller sojamjöl

Intermittent fasting

When you are in the fed state, it’s very hard for your body to burn fat because your insulin levels are high

Bieffekter av en strikt lågkolhydratskost

Verylow carb diets may decrease thyroid function by inhibibiting the conversion of the less active form of thyroid hormone T4 into the more active form – T3. All right, so there are a number of studies that have shown that carbohydrate restriction or fasting or calorie restriction can decrease thyroid function, and they tend to show a decrease in T3 in the serum and an increase in reverse T3. There isn’t very much evidence that insulin actively prevents the production of reverse T3, but by promoting the conversion into the active form, that in itself tends to prevent T4 from being converted into the inactive form, reverse T3. If you find that T3 or reverse T3 are out of whack, probably the best way to address that is to try increasing the carbohydrate intake — not necessarily meaning you have to go on a high-carbohydrate diet, but, you know, like, Paul Jaminet had sort of concluded at the end of that series that he still advocates a low-carbohydratediet, but it’s possible to go too low for some people, and that’s when you might get deficiency in thyroid signaling. Keeping your total daily carb intake below 50 grams for months on end may be problematic for some

När du vill gå ner i vikt

If you don’t have any experience in this and know how to do it it is very good to use professional help the first time so that you get to know how your body response and how to do and think while dieting