Site:sugar recept

Laxsoppa med thaismak

Laxsoppa med thaismak

Vispa ihop kokosmjölk, vatten, buljongtärning och currypasta i en kastrull. Krossa citrongräset med knivskaftet, lägg ner det och koka 5–10 minuter, medan du förbereder resten

Key lime pie

Heat the oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Whizz the biscuits to crumbs in a food processor (or put in a strong plastic bag and bash with a rolling pin)
Inlagda ingefärsgrönsaker

Inlagda ingefärsgrönsaker

Blanda ättiksprit, socker, vatten och salt i en skål. Skala och skär sedan strimlor av morötterna med potatisskalare direkt ner i inläggningslagen
Vanilla-Blueberry Crumble Cake

Vanilla-Blueberry Crumble Cake

Vanilj och blåbär passar finfint ihop. Jag hittade ett recept på en kaka från en finsk sida med kvarg, vaniljpudding och blåbär som lät intressant, så jag bakade den
Chilli con carne recipe

Chilli con carne recipe

1 tbsp oil. 1 large onion. 1 red pepper. 2 garlic cloves, peeled. 1 heaped tsp hot chilli powder (or 1 level tbsp if you only have mild)
spicy prawn cakes

spicy prawn cakes

Chop 1 spring onion and tip into a food processor. Slice the remaining 2 spring onions diagonally and set aside
Matcha Cake

Matcha Cake

Ingredients For the cake Cooking spray  1 c
sams pear cake

sams pear cake

unsalted butter 175g, softened, plus extra for the tin

Jerk pulled pork with banana salsa

The day before, mix the sea salt and 200g of the sugar in a large food bag. Add the pork and coat it well, then leave it in the fridge overnight
Chilli con carne recipe

Chilli con carne recipe

Prepare your vegetables. Chop 1 large onion into small dice, about 5mm square. The easiest way to do this is to cut the onion in half from root to tip, peel it and slice each half into thick matchsticks lengthways, not quite cutting all the way to the root end so they are still held together
Yoghurt, blackberry and olive oil loaf cake

Yoghurt, blackberry and olive oil loaf cake

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.  Grease and line a 13 cm x 28 cm loaf tin with baking paper. 2. Place the sugar and eggs in a bowl and whisk until creamy
Nadiya Hussain

Nadiya Hussain

For the brownie base. 250g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra to grease. 250g dark chocolate
Nadiya Hussain

Nadiya Hussain

For the base. 125g salted caramel. For the cake. 150g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra melted butter for greasing the tin