Sticky muffins recept

Sticky Chocolate Muffins

Sticky Chocolate Muffins

These muffins were so yummy, sticky and with a lovely chocolate and peanut butter taste. Dessa muffins blev så goda, kladdiga och med god smak av choklad och jordnötssmör
Snickers Muffins

Snickers Muffins

Sticky chocolate muffins with caramel sauce and peanuts as reminiscent of Snickers. They should be a little sticky inside
Gingerbread-Chocolate Muffins

Gingerbread-Chocolate Muffins

Sticky with much taste. De här muffinsen med smak av choklad och pepparkaka blev så otroligt goda. They may well be a little sticky inside
Leilas sticky pecan cupcakes

Leilas sticky pecan cupcakes

Placera ut stora muffinsformar i en muffinsplåt eller använd en siliconmuffinsplåt, och pensla dem lätt med smält smör
Chocolate Muffins with Caramel sauce

Chocolate Muffins with Caramel sauce

The muffins will be a bit sticky and the sauce makes them even yummier. Häromveckan när jag bakade salt kola-chokladpajer fick jag kolasås över, som jag använde i dessa muffins
Protein Pancake Muffins

Protein Pancake Muffins

I like when they are slightly under-baked, you get a stickymuffins kind of pancake. They are supposed to be sticky in the middle
Coffee & Dumle Muffins

Coffee & Dumle Muffins

Sticky chocolate muffins. Kladdiga godismuffins. Som vätska i muffinsen använde jag kaffe, men man kan använda mjölk lika bra
Espresso Chocolate Muffins

Espresso Chocolate Muffins

Stickymuffins are so good. One tip is to not bake them too long, because we want them sticky and not dry
Fudgy Brownie Muffins

Fudgy Brownie Muffins

Brownie´s and sticky cakes is my soft spot, I love it when it´s sticky in the middle and I become lyrical when I feel how the chocolate tickles my venom and my whole body feels with joy
Chocolate Raspberry Protein Muffins

Chocolate Raspberry Protein Muffins

Sticky, sticky - yeah that's how I want my chocolate muffins to be. Kladdigt, kladdigt - ja så får gärna mina chokladmuffins vara
Chunky Monkey Muffins

Chunky Monkey Muffins

These muffins turn out perfectly sticky, yummy. Gillar du banan kommer du att tycka om de här muffinsen
Moist Chocolate Muffins

Moist Chocolate Muffins

Today's recipe is incredibly good chocolate muffins that are wonderfully sticky, as I like them. And it should be sticky with a lot of flavor of chocolate and preferably also pieces of chocolate in it
Aquafaba Fudgy Chocolate Muffins

Aquafaba Fudgy Chocolate Muffins

These muffins will be sticky and so good with a deep flavor of chocolate. De här muffinsen blir kladdiga och så goda med djup smak av choklad
Licorice Chocolate Muffins

Licorice Chocolate Muffins

They may well be a little sticky inside. En del av dem använde jag i dessa muffins. Muffinsen blir så saftiga och goda och gillar man lakrits så kommer man även gilla dessa
Cappuccino Vanilla Fudge Muffins

Cappuccino Vanilla Fudge Muffins

Sticky chocolate muffins with a hint of coffee flavor, yummy, I say. Kladdiga chokladmuffins med en hint av kaffesmak, mums säger jag