Stir fry sås på soja sås recept

Enkel kantarellpasta med grönkål

Enkel kantarellpasta med grönkål

Tear the kale into smaller pieces and stir down into the sauce. Fry the mushrooms without oil, with some salt and pepper until their water evaporates and they start to brown
Vegan Banh mi

Vegan Banh mi

Stir carefully so that the tofu doesn’t break. Fry onions and garlic until soft in oil. I stort sett så är det en baguette fylld med stekt fläsk (i originalet så klart, här använder jag tofu), picklade grönsaker, mängder med koriander, srirachasås och majonnäs
Veganska Sloppy Joes

Veganska Sloppy Joes

Put in the tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, vegetable stock, soy sauce and just enough water to be able to stir the stew
Vegansk Biff Rydberg

Vegansk Biff Rydberg

Add allspice, soy sauce, vegetable broth, and water and stir until everything is mixed. Fry pulled oats in canola oil until crispy
Soy-Tomato Sauce Quinoa Gratin

Soy-Tomato Sauce Quinoa Gratin

Lastly stir in crème. zucchini, pepper and onion and fry them in oil for a couple of minutes. Soja-Tomatsås Quinoa gratäng
Enkel nudelsoppa

Enkel nudelsoppa

Ett pytteliten affär där dom har färska eller torkade, ägg eller ris- nudlar till soppa eller stirfry