Seven and seven drink recept

7th heaven – fredagsdrinken

7th heaven – fredagsdrinken

(Jag brukar ibland sticka ner en piggelin i drinken). Till något ännu mer beskrivande. Det är dags för fredagsdrinken

Kolloidalt silver dödar virus och bakterier

Where does it go when you drink it and how long does it stay there. Jag skulle nämligen aldrig använda sprayer eller krämer med främmande nanopartiklar, som man kan andas in eller ta upp genom huden
A reader question

A reader question

The reason I even work with Celsius is because I actually enjoy the drinksand I drank them often even when I didn't work with them

International school meals day - a blog post in english

We have a big buffé with about seven different sallads and we bake our on bread. The standard of Swedish school meals are were high and many kitchens has a standard when it comes to there food that is equal to an normal restaurant

Water weight

I woke up and had to drink water seven times this night, thats once every hour… Then on the stair machine today I was sweating something incredible

Årsresumé av 2017: Januari, februari, mars

Couldn't do any pushups when the year started, but after a while I could do seven in a row. Jag satt och pluggade tenta (system biologi och biofysikalisk kemi), och hade detta vinterlandskap som utsikt på landet


But now I'm sick and tired of calling in sick. Tonight, I will have dinner/drink beer with some friends

You know you are from Sweden when...

You can name at least seven different kinds of jam, and produce four of them in your own kitchen. You drink black espresso without sugar, believing that is what they do in Italy, and actually believe that you like it