One bake protein muffins recept

Protein Brownie Muffins

Protein Brownie Muffins

one pinch of salt. I love to bake something delicious to my afternoon coffee and today I made high protein brownie muffins
Chocolate Protein Muffins

Chocolate Protein Muffins

) Eller vad tycker du om den kombinationen. I've always liked coffee flavor in baked goods, but now I drink it with pleasure, as you probably know
Cauliflower Protein Muffins

Cauliflower Protein Muffins

I did proteinmuffins with this secret ingredient that no one will suspect is in them. I challenge anyone to dare to experiment in the kitchen, it is fun and when you succeed you become overjoyed
Chocolate Strawberry Muffins

Chocolate Strawberry Muffins

One has to remember to enjoy every moment. ) I don't think you need to have a reason to bake or eat something good
Black Bean Muffins

Black Bean Muffins

one pinch of salt. Jag tycker att man inte smakar bönorna och de tillför protein, fibrer, vitaminer och mineraler till bakverk
Sätter färg på tillvaron

Sätter färg på tillvaron

D Denna gången så blev det ett bröd på onebakeproteinet. Har även testat att göra nötburgare, och i morgon så tror jag att det blir till att göra lite muffins
Chocolate Hazelnut Chickpea Muffins

Chocolate Hazelnut Chickpea Muffins

Grainfree ProteinMuffins. Protein. Mix all ingredients for the muffins except for the cocoa with a hand blender or in a food processor