Surprise cookies recept

Surprise cookies

Surprise cookies

Sätt ugnen på 190 grader. Blanda mjöl, kakao, bikarbonat, vaniljsocker och salt. Rör ihop smör och socker med elvisp i en annan skål, fluffigt
Chickpea Cookie Dough Cups

Chickpea Cookie Dough Cups

Du kan göra vad du vill med kakdegen, bara att doppa frukt där i är supergott, men jag valde att göra cookie dough cups med mörk choklad och (surprisesurprise) flingsalt
Cookies in a jar

Cookies in a jar

It's so much fun to give personalized gifts, even if you're only bringign something small, and surprise with something else than the usual bottle of wine or bouquet of tulips
Chocolate Speculoos Cookies

Chocolate Speculoos Cookies

) I like when cookies have a surprise inside and it does not have to be a speculoos cookie butter, you can use for example peanut butter, caramel
Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt Stuffed Cookies

Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt Stuffed Cookies

Chewy cookies with a surprise inside. I bought a jar of chocolate-salted caramel sea salt spread from the store and thought it would be good to use it in cookies, both inside and on top


Glass i portionsformar med "surprise" i form av kaksmulor. Fina Ida har fotat denna mangosurprise. 10 cookies, 100 g (typ maryland). 10 cookies, 100 g (typ maryland)
Påskkaka / Easter Cookie

Påskkaka / Easter Cookie

A tip for Easter is to bake these cookie cups, containing a surprise in the form of a mini chocolate egg
Chocolate Fudge Cookies

Chocolate Fudge Cookies

With a soft fudge inside as a surprise. Cookies. De här är farligt goda. Men en mjuk fudge inuti som överraskning
Peppermint Kisses

Peppermint Kisses

These cookies hold a surprise when you bite into them. Peppermint Kisses Cookies. Pepparmint Kyss Cookies